Moving Forward
Sam Craig Ministries (SCM) strives to serve our Lord through the spread of the Gospel on the home front as well as through international missions. Moreover, SCM works to organize mission teams of people from around the country to travel to various places to further the cause of Christ. In addition, during the summer months, SCM began separate youth camps (free of charge to campers), which offer mentoring for about 100 at-risk girls and boys from broken, single parent homes where drugs and abuse are present (1999). Likewise, SCM also leads an annual senior adult retreat in the fall of the year, conducts military appreciation celebrations honoring veterans for their service to our country at assorted times throughout the year, and collects fiscal and material gifts from numerous churches and individuals for the Annual SCM Christmas Shoebox Ministry, which brings the joy of Christmas along the Texas/Mexico border.
Sam Craig, born and raised in Houston, has been working in evangelism since 1971. As a teenager, Sam felt influenced to serve God when he heard evangelists and missionaries who were being powerfully used by God. Once during a Billy Graham Crusade, upon hearing George Beverly Shea sing “How Great Thou Art", Sam felt his own heart was touched by the Holy Spirit as God’s calling on his life was firmly initiated. With 8 produced CDs recorded in Nashville, Branson, and Houston, Sam is a gifted singer and recording artist, evangelist, and missionary with a great heart for bringing the message of God’s love to the world.
Both having lost their spouses, on December 8, 2018, Sam married Gwen Lamprecht Hodges. A retired educator (teacher, principal, director, college professor) from Gonzales, TX , Gwen presently serves as a Healthcare Chaplain for the Ascension Seton Healthcare Family System in Austin. Similarly, with a great love for her God, missions, and ministry through music, she has ministered in various churches (Texas, several other states, and the District of Columbia ) and foreign countries (Israel, Italy, Thailand, Mexico, and Canada). Gwen has been a church pianist, soloist, and Bible study teacher/speaker for many years.
Having grown up in Christian homes that served in SBC churches, ministering together was a natural progression for both Sam and Gwen. They now cooperatively lead in conducting revivals, concerts, and mission work all over the USA and abroad. In their joint ministry, Gwen sings with Sam and plays the piano, teaches Bible studies for women, and lends vital support in various other areas of the ministry. For instance, ongoing mission work has been undertaken by SCM with the Kuna Indians in Panama (since 1977) and Nicaragua (since 2004). We have helped to build churches, started churches, and held evangelistic crusades wherein Vacation Bible Schools, women’s Bible studies, medical teams, and other types of crucial services were offered. A recent example of SCM’s service can be found in work completed in August of 2018 on our mission trip to Panama’s San Blas Islands, specifically the Kuna Indians on the Islands of Stupu and Ogobsucum. Our team of 15 workers served and beheld God’s moving as many people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior with 30 being baptized in the Carribean. Our team put a roof on the missionary house, held VBS for more than 150 children, held a women’s Bible study for more than 24 ladies, held eyeglasses clinics wherein 300 pairs of reading glasses were distributed, held first aid clinics for treating minor cuts and rashes, polished women’s fingernails, and braided girls’ hair. Moreover, in February of 2019, we were also able to put a roof on the Baptist church on Ogobsucum.
Respectively, Sam’s ministry work has taken him to Siberia, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Brazil, and Canada. Likewise, Sam started working with Native Americans in 1993, such as, the Jicarilla Apaches, Mescalero Apaches, Souix, Navaho, and Kickapoo. SCM also supports a Christmas Shoebox Ministry that brings Christmas cheer to border towns on the Texas/Mexico border and in Mexico for 12 orphanages and the Tarahumara Indians.
The blessing of financial support offered by fellow Christians helps to make it possible for SCM to have freedom not only to pay our ongoing monthly expenses but, more so, to continue to sew His seeds of love and mercy as we work to bring glory to our God!
Evangelistic Ministries for Christ or Sam Craig Ministries is a 501c3 nonprofit organization; all gifts are tax deductible.
We accept PayPal, checks to EMFC, or Sam Craig Ministries.
Sam and Gwen are very excited as they continue in a newly revitalized ministry serving our Lord and Savior together!
Sam & Gwen Craig
521 Bunte Road
Smithville, Texas 78957
"Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations...I am with you always
even to the end of the age." Matt 28:19,20
Your partner in serving God,
Sam Craig