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Trusting God's Love in 2017

Unconditional Love is such a radical Biblical truth that even believers have a hard time grasping it. Absolutely nothing can separate us from God's love. His love is perfect. It's not dependent on me being good, but His grace and mercies. Too many times I feel loved based on good actions and not so loved because of bad ones. God looks at us with a everlasting and ever present love.

He knows my future and that I will fail Him and yet He loves Me. Know this...throughout the New Year with all of its challenges, You Are Loved! (Signed) Jesus! read 1 John 4:15,16,18. Duet33:27. Ps. 13:15

We need to share this love to a lost and dying world. Satan, the undertaker, is a deceiver and produces fake love. He tries to influence my future with deceitful lies. Jesus, the upper taker, paid for my future at Calvary. This could be the year, month or day of His returning. This is exciting times, I'm looking for the upper taker not the undertaker. TRUST HIM! John 3:16,17!

Sharilyn and I thank you for standing with us as together we serve the Lord through your prayers, financial giving and your encouragement. Here area few testimonies:

♦ 200 youth came to our 6 camps, 50 prayed for salvation. One boy asked us to pray for his mom's sickness and for $80 for some medicine. A 12 year old boy stood up and said he had earned that much money cutting grass and gave it to him...not a dry eye was in the room.

♦ Pray for the Kickapoo. We had a camp for them and not a one knew who Jesus was or had a Bible. Three kids came to us privately wanting to know

Jesus. They want us to have another camp for them next year, Praise the Lord!

♦ In Nicaragua we had hundreds of decisions for Christ

during our evangelistic meetings and victory rally.

♦ We gave out 2500 Christmas stockings and over a thousand gifts in missions and orphanages in Texas and Mexico. We served with the Navajos and Apaches in NM

♦ We had a great Adult Retreat at Palacios, Tx.

PRAYER REQUEST For Sharilyn's eyes, she has Macular degeneration, losing her sight and a very hard time breathing and so on, She's my wife and I pray for her healing.

♦ Help in building a new mission in Ayoee, Nicaragua $10,000

♦ Crusade in the Jugalpa area in Nicaragua cost $2000

♦ New CD $4000, $1750 has come in need $2250

♦ A vehicle for our ministry, we have over 230,000 miles and still climbing. New or Used. My truck is a 2005, Sharilyn's PT Cruiser is a 2001.

Evangelistic Ministries for Christ or Sam Craig Ministries is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, all gift are tax deductible

We accept PayPal, checks to EMFC or Sam Craig Ministries

Sam, Sharilyn Craig

521 Bunte Rd

Smithville, Texas 78957

281 797 3176


Go Therefore, and make disciples of all nations...I am with you always even to the end of the age." Matt 28:19,20

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